Tuesday, April 29, 2014

7 Reasons Not to Use Internet Explorer ever, ever again

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Since the recent security lockdown of Internet Explorer (IE) yesterday (read more here) I figured I should write a post to all those people who still may actually be using IE

Drum roll please..

Reason #1 - IE is broken beyond repair. Literally there is no solution

"We are currently unaware of a practical solution to this problem," the Department of Homeland Security's United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team said in a post Monday morning.

Reason #2 - You are safer from targeted software viruses

Because IE was used for so long and by so many people (and it still is to some extent), hackers find it an extremely valuable target to attack very large groups of people. You can be less vulnerable by choosing other browsers or using an Apple product.

Reason #3 - Microsoft is a little slow

In addition, I get the feeling that Microsoft is just slow in fixing Internet Explorer bugs. The last release of IE patches included a fix to a bug that Microsoft had been told about six months ago.

Reason #4 - IE interprets code differently

There are certain "universal" standards by which just about every internet browser interprets coding. This consistency is what allows websites to maintain their design and functionality across multiple browsers on a variety of devices. While most companies work to keep these standards, Microsoft opted to follow their own set of rules. Because of this, you encounter websites that either look incorrect on Internet Explorer or just flat out break.

Reason #5 - No automatic updates

Internet Explorer does not automatically check for out of date plugins / extensions and prompt you to update them - both Firefox and Chrome do this. Out of date plugins are a favorite method hackers use to get inside your computer. In Chrome the most commonly attacked plugins (Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader) run in a safe area of your computer called a "sandbox" so, even if they are compromised, they can't actually do any damage

Reason #6 - No synchronization

If you use multiple computers, both Firefox and Chrome have built-in features to synchronize bookmarks and more between different instances of the browser. Internet Explorer (at least up to version 8) can't do this.

Reason #7 - No compatibility

There hasn't been a version of IE for Mac since Safari was developed in 2003 despite the fact that there is a Windows version of Safari. Frankly, what Mac user would want it? The lack of compatibility, particularly with mobile devices and the iPad, makes IE nearly obsolete.


With other great options available at no-cost, there are very few reasons to continue using Internet Explorer.

Zachary Lukasiewicz


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Monday, April 28, 2014

HR's Elephant in the Room

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The process involved a detailed study of living African elephants at various zoos, and crafting the display in three sections using no less than 9 different materials including 5 tons of clay. Much of the work to shape the body was done in a plastic room pumped with steam to keep the clay from drying out, and the final assembly was done while the museum was open and had 30,000 visitors inside.

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The other day I talked to a CEO of a successful start-up about key ingredients for success. We agreed that leadership is the most important component of building a thriving business. But we found that there is a difference between an average leader and a self-aware or enlightened leader. So then the question arose: what are the key characteristics of an enlightened leader? Below is my take. What’s yours?
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Since publishing my first blog post I have heard overwhelmingly positive feedback from founders and entrepreneurs. The follow-up question from many of them: “Who moves to Silicon Valley, when should we do it, and how does a start-up operate like that?” I consider myself somewhat of an expert on this subject since I led three companies with dual US/Israel offices (Waze, Intercast and Deltathree) and I can proudly say that I have made every mistake possible…                                  
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If your business is anything like mine, it will have changed a great deal over the years. In fact, 30% of my business income is derived from a service that wasn’t offered 12 months ago. As businesses change, so too should their website content. So perhaps it is time to have a look at your own website and determine whether it tells a true and current story of your business and what you offer your customers and clientele.
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Artificial intelligence: IBM's Watson is just the first step toward using artificial intelligence in medicine. The supercomputer, which defeated two human champions on "Jeopardy!" two years ago, has gone to medical school. Watson not only gives the top 3 probabilities for a diagnosis, but what physicians most appreciate is Watson gives the evidence behind these probabilities.
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